Winter fairy tale in Munich, Zurich and Salzburg - Christmas markets and more
Често казвам, че не обичам студа. Харесва ми зимата, когато има сняг и е чисто и красиво, но през цялото друго време не ми е особено приятно. Обаче, обожавам Коледни базари и украси, затова зимните пътувания из Европа ми станаха много любими. След пътешествието ни с кола до коледните базари на Виена и Будапеща, нямаше друг начин, трябваше да мислим нова дестинация за следващата година. Разтворихме списъка с най-красивите коледни базари в Европа и си харесахме Мюнхен. Само че решихме да го направим още по-интересно и го комбинирахме с Цюрих и Залцбург. И да, отново пътуването беше с кола. Страшното пътуване Годината беше 2018-та. Ето, че дойде декември. Всичко беше…
Budapest in December – Christmas markets, lights and delicious food
Budapest was the second city of our pre-Christmas car trip of central Europe. After the nice emotions and the wonderful sightseeing we had in Vienna, the Hungarian capital was ready to welcome us warmly and it could be felt from miles away. Not only were the tempretures higher and the chilly Viennese breeze was gone, but the emotion the city evoked upon entering was great! Perhaps the proximity to the Balkan customs had its influence, and the people seemed to be more hospitable, ready to turn every tourist's vacation into an unforgettable experience. We felt cozy pretty quickly and were ready for another marathon...
Winter time in Vienna - fancy glowing streets, Christmas markets and lots of hot orange punche
Looking for the Christmas spirit, my most favorite companion (my husband) and I decided to visit the two pearls of central Europe - Vienna and Budapest. With their wonderful Christmas markets and remarkable decorations, they proved to be a great choice for a short but extremely fulfilling pre-holiday getaway. Being adventurous, we chose to travel by car. This of course has its pros and cons and it's entirely up to individual preference. Certainly, the journey as a duration lasts many times more than by plane, for example, but we don't think about airport transfer or how to get from the airport to our hotel, nor do we have to consider flight hours. If you have also chosen the car option, make sure that ...