Гранд Хотел Терме – луксозен 5-звезден СПА хотел в България
Един на вид обикновен януарски уикенд се превърна в истинско снежно приключение и наслада за всички сетива в супер луксозен СПА хотел. Дестинация Гранд Хотел Терме, село Баня. Януари е…
Devin - my hometown and 5 favourite landmarks around
The Rhodopes is a mystical mountain and a favorite destination for tourism and vacation. Whether for nature walks or visiting sights, or even for the Rhodope traditional cuisine - here everyone can find something to fall in love with. There are many ...
Oneday trip to Tsari Mali grad - where Middle Ages meet reality
As typical people living in the capital, we look forward to every weekend to spend more time together. As soon as the forecast shows a good weekend weather, we immediately start discussing where to. Fortunately, our little...